Music Series
Oil Paintings

Oil painting has greatly influenced my work in stained glass. The freedom inherent in using oils, allowing me to work with organic shapes, creating images that flowed over the canvas, carried over to the pieces that I create in glass. By treating glass as though it were a liquid medium, I am able to conceive and create works that flow into and through their environment. This flow brings life and dimension to the pieces, aspects that engage the viewer and make each viewing a new experience.

Here are three of my favorite oils from the Music series.
Oil Painting of a Violist
Oil Painting of a Pianist
Oil Painting of a Cellist

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Isaac Smith
1409 NW 11th St.
Battle Ground, WA 98604
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WebMaker web site design and consulting
Prints of both stained glass and paintings are available at
Originals & reproductions
of my artwork are also
available for purchase at
Last Updated November 8th, 2022
Copyright ©2025 by Isaac D. Smith